The show
"The Planet Thank You" is an interactive and bilingual show (Portuguese and Spanish), created to raise awareness among children and families about the importance of sustainability and environmental preservation, through a playful, educational and artistic experience. The show combines theater, music, dance and art to convey essential messages about caring for the environment in a light and fun way.
The show’s central character, Tekne, is a girl from another planet who comes to Earth to share the fascinating customs of her home, where there is no trash and everything is reused. Through an engaging narrative, Tekne teaches the audience simple and effective practices for reducing, reusing and recycling, showing how each person can make a difference in caring for the planet.
During the show, the audience is invited to interact, sing and dance along with Tekne, making the experience more dynamic and participatory. The original soundtrack, composed of Brazilian and electronic rhythms, complements the educational messages and creates an engaging atmosphere that captivates both children and adults.
The scenery, costumes and musical instruments used in the show are created from recycled materials, reinforcing the concept of reuse and creativity. The show addresses themes such as waste reduction, the conscious use of water and the importance of preserving biodiversity in a fun and accessible way.
This art-education project has already been presented in several countries, such as Colombia, Spain and Brazil, and has been recognized for its positive impact on environmental awareness, receiving awards such as the LatinoAmérica Verde Award.